Dancing to the rhythm

I find humans weird, 
despite me being one.

Isn't it weird that human are capable of producing incredible quality of art only when him/her are truly connected to his/her emotions? And that other humans find the art exceptionally amazing only when its been layered with heavy emotions? You may find it otherwise but I think that's the case for most of the time. 

And right now, I'm feeling a lot of emotions( sadness, confusion, anger, regret you name it). But will I be able produce an incredible piece of art. Who knows? Probably not. I'm not even sure if I'm making any sense.

But one thing I'm sure is , I love writing. I have been writing for as long as I remember. Writing has been my way of expressing my emotions. That's why I have a blog, to write. You probably noticed that my last post is written in 2018 and that my blog has only two post. Truth is, I've written quite a few post between 2018 and now. But I just never posted it, mainly because I think the quality of the writing was not to be proud of, thus not worthy of showing it to the world.But I think I'll post this one writing despite its not being amazing. I also wrote in my journal most of the time, but currently its in a place very far away from me, so I guess I'll write in my blog . I know I can easily just grab any pen and paper but I felt like writing here. So here I am, writing. And you. reading. 

If you're sensing a lack of direction in this piece of writing you're reading, you're probably right. I don't know clearly why I'm writing this. Probably to remind myself of the cliche phrase : Everything will be alright. But, as cliche as it sounds, the phrase is 100%  true, things will be alright. If you truly believe in it.  Also perhaps, I'm writing so that my future self will look at this post and be like "hey what do you know, we made it, we really went through a dark time and now we're in a better place". 

A while back , I thought I finally figures out the rhythm of life. I had few setbacks occasionally but I knew how life works, I knew how to "dance" to the rhythm. But now, with the recent pandemic that is going on, it seems like the Universe is truly throwing me off my balance. I am lost, my routine is falling apart and I don't know what to do anymore. 

But sadly,  that's just the nature of life. And as a individual , my only healthy option of coping with this is just accept . Accept that somethings are beyond my power and that this is my life now, and I must makes the best of it. That's it, that's basically it. And I've been trying to do that. And I do admit I constantly pray that things go back to normal, back to the old normal, so that I can experience my old routine. Although I'm quite sure my Lord who is As-Sami: The All-Hearer and Al -Mujib : The Responder of Prayers  will make my prayers comes true,  I do think it will take a while for things to go back to how it used to be. Until then, I just need to learn to dance with this new rhythm.

But even if it doesn't ( and it pains me to admit this) , we still have to accept it. Because that is the essence of life. It constantly changes, nothing really last forever , and we as mere humans in this realm, must accept it and move on. 

I'm sure whoever is reading this might have the same feelings and emotions as I do, and I hope my writing gives you a little bit of solace and comfort. I just want to let you know things will be alright, it really do :). 

I think that's all for now. I hope whoever is reading this is safe and sane. I try to post more in the future, but until then, Take care :) 


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