
So today I'm just going to share with you some of my favourite quote from my favourite writer. Her name is Aida Azlin and you can find out more about her by clicking that hyperlink above.

The reason i like the quotes so much is because Aida is such an amazing women and the way she writes just shows you what a beautiful soul she has, and every writing that she has produced never fails to touch my heart and it showed me how the world is just full of incredible people with incredible souls and I just can't wait to meet them all.

also because Aida's letter always came at the right time with the right messages that I really need at that moment. :)

so without further ado, here you go :)

1.  "Our struggles might differ, but our main source of Comfort and Ease - Allah SWT Himself - does not. So I'll leave you with one of my fav ayahs in the Quran, with the hopes that you'll be re-assured to know that “and those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them to Our paths.” (Quran 29:69)"

2. "Because at the end of the day, I have learned so much. I have learned so much about how important it is to always have faith, to be OK with the not so good stuff because its the not so good stuff that will make you grow. I learned that I will always struggle, and that I will always mess up, but I just have to keep working on it, and if I keep working on it - even if I'm exhausted, or slow, and crawling - Allah will send Help. 

because Allah help people who help themselves"

3.  "And my dear, dear, dear Sisters/Brothers - never underestimate the power of Faith. With faith, you can move mountains. It's because of faith that I'm still here, at 2.29 AM, writing to you. And for the past 3 hours since I've started writing this Love Letter to you, I've been reminded over and over again that life will never always be a bed of roses, and some days, you will mess up big time, like MASSIVE BIG TIME, but never lose faith, and just keep working on YOU

One step at a time. 
One task at a time.
One breath at a time"

There's a lot more but I guess I'll save that one for another time.

That is all for this post. Bye Assalamualaikum.


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