
It still blows my mind on how someone who looks so fine on the outside is hurting so badly on the inside. How someone who smiles are the brightest but yet her/his soul are the darkest.

It blows my mind how we never notice the signs until its too late.

If you're one of the people who is broken and wounded on the inside , please dont keep all that negative feelings in, its unhealthy, reach out to someone , get help, and if you have no one to talk to, reach out to me, I may cant do much, but I will surely listen to all of your troubles.

If you notice one of your friends feeling down or unhappy, please reach out to them and offer your help or presence, you can never know how much of your simple gestures can help. If one of your friends came up to you to vent out their feelings, please please don't dismiss them by saying "chill , everyone got their own problems, you're not that special", by doing that you're actually diminishing their trust in seeking help and they will eventually keep all that feelings to themselves and it will all ends in

self harm or suicide.

To those people who's hurting, who feels like there is no point in living anymore, hang in there, get help. I promise you that there's light at the end of this dark and terrifying tunnel . Believe me because I've been there and now I'm almost at the end :). And Allah help people who help themselves, so by any means, please help yourself.

this might seems like a very typical post with very basic messages but hey sometimes its the basic things people tend to forget about.

I think that is all for this entry, untill next time
Bye Assalamualaikum.


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