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Dancing to the rhythm

I find humans weird,  despite me being one. Isn't it weird that human are capable of producing incredible quality of art only when him/her are truly connected to his/her emotions? And that other humans find the art exceptionally amazing only when its been layered with heavy emotions? You may find it otherwise but I think that's the case for most of the time.  And right now, I'm feeling a lot of emotions( sadness, confusion, anger, regret you name it). But will I be able produce an incredible piece of art. Who knows? Probably not. I'm not even sure if I'm making any sense. But one thing I'm sure is , I love writing. I have been writing for as long as I remember. Writing has been my way of expressing my emotions. That's why I have a blog, to write. You probably noticed that my last post is written in 2018 and that my blog has only two post. Truth is, I've written quite a few post between 2018 and now. But I just never posted it, mainly because I think the

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